
Thursday, November 13, 2014

An Interesting Observation

I know this doesn't come as a shock to anyone, but I wanted to take a second to talk about cellphones. I am a big fan of technology. I hold a degree in Computer Science, and I love where we are going with smartphones. With that being said, I can leave my phone at home and not think twice about it. Don't take that the wrong way. I use my phone way more than I need to also, but I'm not attached to it so much that I need to have it all the time.

Where am I going with this? Well I went to pick my kids up from school the other day and noticed that all of the other parents had their phones. Mine, of course, was in my pocket. Other parents had their phones in their hands. The phones weren't in use, and these people had pockets or bags that the phones could have been in. Instead, they all held their phones, gripping them tightly in their hands. I realized at this time that we are moving past the point where we need to be connected all the time and moving towards a point where technology is just a security blanket. I can only formulate the theory that these parents were comforted by their phones. Even when they are not in use, they had to hold them. This physical contact made them feel safe or perhaps grounded. I can't be certain, but I'm sure I'm close. I am putting together my first VLOG where I am going to mention this briefly.

I know this isn't a groundbreaking revelation by any means. We have all seen it. And it isn't just young people. Some of these were grandparents who couldn't put their phones down long enough to even take the hands of the children they were there for. I know plenty of older people who complain about the "younger folk" always having their phones, but I do see plenty of "older folk" who can't put their phones down either. As a techie, I really hope to see us break this stigma that we all have to have our phones. I also hope that we can turn away from the theoretical course I've described and break free of tech and connectivity and this security blanket that people are wrapping themselves in.

Technology is awesome! I love tech, but we need to control it without allowing it to control us.

Thanks for listening to another pointless rant.


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